Virus, Bacteria and Fungi Surface and Air Disinfection (pesticide free) –

Safely disinfect and sanitize your home

Cause of Disease Infections:
Germs mainly enter the home on people, food, pets, and dust or through the air. They can spread from air to surface, air to person, person to person, or from person to surface and back again (cross-contamination). Your typical household germs include:

  • Coli – causes severe intestinal illness
  • Norovirus – also known as the winter vomiting bug
  • Influenza – Air and surface-borne
  • MRSA and more.

Disease Prevention:
Mostert Pest Control’s disinfection service reduces, eliminates, and disinfects 99.9% of surface micro-organisms such as viruses, fungi, or bacteria. Our treatment provides a protective barrier for up to 8 hours.

How It Is Done:
Our pesticide-free, green fogging disinfection service produces micro-droplets that float in the air for around 10 minutes, reaching the most inaccessible parts. Our disinfecting fogging service is the most effective way of sanitizing the air space and reaching difficult-to-reach surface areas of the home.

Did You know?

  • When children return from school, homework isn’t all they’re bringing home. They’re likely bringing home thousands of microscopic germs.
  • A computer keyboard may have as many as 200 times the bacteria on them as a toilet seat.
  • Sponges are the germiest objects you’ll ever touch. A common kitchen sponge is a haven for germs with E. Coli and other unpleasant viruses, germs, and fungi present.
  • Doorknobs are the front line of germ warfare, and perhaps the number one source of germs and viruses.
  • Bathroom surfaces are a breeding ground for E. Coli and Hepatitis.

How to Protect Yourself Against the COVID-19 Virus

It is easy to feel overwhelmed as more and more South Africans are diagnosed with the CoronaVirus. There are steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones from infection.

Take these important steps to assist with combating the virus.

1. Wash your hands. This step cannot be stressed enough. Regular handwashing is the best thing to do to prevent the spread of this and any other disease. Wash hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds, and dry thoroughly.

2. Try not to touch your face. This is one of the top ways the virus is spreading. Infections are spread through mucous membranes of the eye and nose. Most people touch their faces at least 23 times in an hour, and this is how diseases spread from the hands to the nose, eyes, and mouth. If you have touched a public surface, wash your hands before touching your face.

3. Avoid touching surfaces wherever possible. Instead, use your knuckles or a tissue to push the buttons in lifts and at booms in car parks, Open doors and hold railings with tissues

4. Keep surfaces clean in the office and at home using a disinfectant cleaner. Instead of wiping your disinfectant off right away, leave the disinfectant on for a while before wiping away with paper towels.

5. Place paper towelling in bathrooms and kitchens. Instead of using cloth towels to dry hands after washing, use paper towels.

6. Keep your distance from anyone coughing or sneezing. Keep about 1.8 metres between yourself and others. This is a safe distance. At this distance, the virus droplets will not land on your clothing or your person.

7. Avoid hugs and handshakes. choose to touch elbows and fist bump

8. Kids bring home germs from other children and from school. Teach children that when they sneeze and cough, they need to cover their mouths and noses. Teach them that washing their hands is imperative at school, in the home, and at their friends’ homes. Teach children to dispose of tissues in a bin and to wash their hands every time they blow their noses.

Important Covid-19 Statistics You Need to be Aware of:

  • It takes 5-14 days before the symptoms of the Coronavirus appear*.
  • To date, around 20% of all patients infected with the virus have been hospitalised**.
  • In South Africa, 181 people were tested before the first Corona case was diagnosed***.
  • People are asked to self-isolate themselves for 14 days if they have been in contact with someone who has the Coronavirus****.

Currently, the outbreak of the Coronavirus is predicted to last for 6 months according to scientific research. Be alert but not anxious and don’t believe everything you hear or read. Instead, rely on sources that are authentic and reliable.

If you are keen to call in expert cleaners to keep your work environment or home clean—particularly those hard-to-reach spots—we can assist. We offer specialist viruses, bacteria, and fungi surface and air disinfectants that are pesticide-free. You can also learn more about The Work Environment post-Lockdown and how to keep it clean.

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Sources: ECDC; *Page 4; **Page 20; ***NICD;

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