Pests and humans have been living side by side since the beginning of time. Once-off treatment processes will take care of pest issues right away, but this does not mean that the problem will be a long-term solution. Each new season brings new life and with it often new batches of vermin and pests. This is when partnering with a professional pest control company makes sense and will save you money and keep your environment safe and clean.

Everything today is about technology and science, HACCP/IPM Programmes are certainly no exception; indeed, pest control is about keeping the bugs in check using a wide range of tried and tested programmes as well as technologically advanced programmes, a combination of methods and a scientific approach to the problem.

IPM is an ecosystem-based approach with special attention paid to long-term prevention of pests and any damage caused by them using a combination of techniques which could include biological regulation, habitat management, altering cultural practices, and using resistant varieties.

Pesticides are used only after monitoring indicates they are required according to definite guidelines, and actions are taken with the goal of removing only target organisms. Pest control materials are carefully chosen and applied minimising risks to human health and the environment.

Mostert’s IPM programmes are undertaken using HACCP guidelines (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points).  HACCP is a methodical preventative approach to ensuring food is kept out of harm’s way, safeguarding food items from physical hazards, chemicals and biological contamination during production that could cause the end-product to be rendered unsafe. HACCP reduces these risks.

Mostert’s IPM Programmes Offers Solutions – here’s how:

  • Education of clients
  • Analysing the problem at hand
  • Acting in the short-term
  • Long-term preventative measures are also put into place
  • Monitoring processes and documenting these
  • Compiling reports to ensure clients are always kept in the loop (pest control files are also kept on the premises)

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There are distinct advantages using an IPM Programme 

  • Safer and healthier methods are used during the IPM Programme
  • Results are longer-lasting and more effective, thus saving you money

Mostert’s expert IPM programme incorporates these steps

  • Inspection of the premises
  • Pinpointing all problems – these include pests, structural problems and health hazards, among others
  • Mostert’s experts will then present the issues, suggestions and solutions to you, the client
  • A combination of IPM programmes will be incorporated for maximum effect

Perhaps the most effective, long-term results in eradicating pests is by applying a combination of methods, rather than using singular methods – the below methods are often grouped:

Biological control of pests

Waging biological warfare could prove to be effective. Here natural enemies such as parasites, predators, competitors and pathogens are incorporated to control pests, preventing damage they cause to structures and the environment not to mention health hazards to animals and humans.

Chemical control of pests

Using pesticides for pest control is referred to as chemical control. Pesticides, however, are only used when required and in a combination of other methods for maximum effect and long-term control. When pesticides are used during IPM methods they are applied in a manner that will minimise harm to humans and any organisms that are not targeted and the environment.  With IPM pesticides that are used are done so with caution and only the chemicals that are necessary for treatment are used.

Pesticides that are the safest to use are applied so that air, soil, humans and nature are kept from harm. Furthermore, pesticides are used in bait stations in preference to sprays. Alternatively, spot-spray methods are applied as opposed to an entire area.

Using cultural control of pests

Cultural control such as a change in the way crops are irrigated are excellent practices that decrease pest formation, replication, distribution, and endurance.

Using physical and mechanical methods to control pests

By incorporating environmental and physical controls – such as physically blocking pests out of structures, will control infestations. A good example would be mouse traps where mechanical control is applied. Physical controls such as mulches will manage weeds while sterilising the soil through steaming will manage soil diseases. Screens form barriers that will ensure that birds and insects are controlled.

IPM Programmes are all based on scientific research for maximum effect and produce long-term results.

Mostert’s expertise on integrated pest management is an effective process to manage numerous pest infestations and challenges anywhere, whether they occur in agricultural environments, urban areas or natural areas.

On acceptance of the quote we will then proceed with the relevant treatment options, monitor the problem monthly through accurate reporting by using the IPM method.


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