Soil Poisoning: Keeping a Termite Free Home
Sort out the issue when you are in the building phase!
The best fix for termites is to sort out the issue when you are in the building phase, long before your home is occupied. Soil poisoning, also referred to as subterranean termite control, is the biggest step towards eradicating these pests before they become a problem. Our experienced team of fumigation experts carry out the soil poisoning procedure in a safe and approved way.That’s because termites can ruin the foundation of your home and cause the kinds of problems that surface after years but are irreparable without spending large amounts of money and uprooting your family. You might think termites are only in some soils and certain provinces in South Africa, but they are actually found nearly everywhere in South Africa. They like the warm, tropical climate of Kwa-Zulu Natal in particular. Because termites are often found in surprising locations, it is best to be cautious prior to embarking on a building project. Before you build, hire professionals to carry out subterranean termite control. They have the experience and knowledge to assess the area you are planning to build on accurately and advise you on the next steps to attain proper subterranean termite control.
Subterranean Termite Control Before You Build
Building your dream home is exciting! You have arranged the necessary finance through your bank. You’ve got the necessary plans in place, and all the contractors are itching to turn the soil and make your dreams a reality. Before the foundations are laid, you need to ensure the soil have you spent your hard-earned cash on is termite-free and won’t cause any issues down the line. You should not experience any termite infestations after a soil poising. This frees up your team to build without concerns and removes any worry about termites when you occupy your home.
What types of fumigation processes are used to destroy termites?
Repellent Termiticides
We begin the fumigation of termites by drilling holes about a meter apart right around the foundation area. Once the holes are completed, termiticides will be added to the soil, soaking the ground with termite poison. The pesticides we use are not toxic to animals and humans. This method of soil poisoning is the more common method used pre-construction.
Non-Repellent Termiticides
When non-repellent termiticides are applied to an area, termites are unaware of the poisons present. They then encounter the termiticides and die. Both treatment options are effective and safe when carried out by pest control experts. If termites are left to their own devices and not eradicated prior to building, they can chew their way through wooden structures like beams and eaves that support the entire building.
Can building contractors carry out soil poisoning?
Building contractors are not specialist pest control experts. We have encountered too many situations where harmful or banned chemicals have been applied to the soil by builders and contractors. Toxic substances like Chloride and DDT are often used, for example. These are harmful chemicals and detrimental to humans and animals. Using these chemicals causes diseases and illnesses like cancers, neurological conditions, and respiratory complications. Don’t play around by getting unlicensed fumigators who don’t know enough about fumigation and pest control to poison the soil before building. Instead, only use a registered pest control company well-versed in the elimination of termites in a safe way.
Do fumigation services offer a guarantee?
When a fumigation service company offers a guarantee of beyond five years – run! Termiticides that have the SABS board approval will only be guaranteed for up to five years. No longer. That means if they do claim to have a guarantee for longer, they are either not approved by the SABS and using poisonous or illegal substances that have been banned by the SA Government, or their guarantee is not honest and trustworthy. Either way you’ll want to steer clear.
Ask the South African Pest Control Association
If you’re unsure about a fumigation service company, you can contact the South African Pest Control Association. Formed in 1964, SAPCA represents South African pest control companies. They provide support and services like continued professional development to determine the safety and health of the public sector. The SAPCA aims to establish and maintain pest control standards, skills, and the knowledge required in agriculture and other areas of registered management applications. They also work towards ensuring that professional standards are adhered to at all times. If you feel safety standards have been breached, or a company is practising dangerous methods of soil poisoning, contact the SAPCA. The SAPCA is there to protect the health and safety of the South African public without any political or commercial gain and to protect the integrity of SA Pest Control Environmental practices at the same time.
What steps should I take next?
- Find SAPCA registered pest control experts. It is critical that all pest control treatments are only done by pest control companies registered with the South African Pest Control Association. A fumigation control company that is registered with SAPCA will be able to guarantee that all treatments are professionally done, and that the chemicals that are used are harmless to humans and animals.
- Make the call to these experts and arrange assessment and treatment dates.
- Start building that dream home once the specialists give you the go-ahead. You will be pleased you did it right the first time.
Only experts in professional soil poisoning will carry out a long-lasting, hassle-free job that is safe for your pets and family. Don’t skip this vital step in the process of building your home. Soil poisoning can bring you peace of mind and increase the longevity of your home’s structure.