Start a new Business

Interested in buying a Mostert Pest Control branch?

Open your own Mostert Pest Control branch in your area and become your own boss.

Do you want to be you own boss? Do you want to buy a business without forking out your life savings? Do you want to operate a business with low overheads? Do you want the option to work from home? If you answered yes on all the above, here is your perfect opportunity.

2003 saw the launch of an exiting new venture Mostert Pest Control. Driven with loads of passion and determination Mostert Pest Control became an establishment and a household name with branches all over South Africa.

Potential branches available to open in the future: anywhere in Africa where there is no current Mostert Pest Control branches. Please email Head Office at to check availability in your area of interest.

In the pest control industry there will always be work. Pest like insects and rodents will never disappear. Be your own boss!!



Mission statement

Mostert Pest Control strives to solve any pest problem. No matter how big or small the problem, we’ll solve it at the best possible rate. We shall enable you to operate a branch which will provide you with a good income over the long term.

For a healthy and clean environment!

Why buy a Mostert Pest Control branch?

What do you need to operate a branch?

What are we looking for in a owner?

Please note that potential buyers of branches will be interviewed by Mostert Pest Control for approval.